Jack Lenox
Saturday 21st March
Track 2: The Graduate Centre
Slides: http://jacklenox.com/2015/03/30/building-themes-with-the-wp-rest-api-wordcamp-london-march-2015/
With the REST API shortly due to be merged into WordPress core, this will be a talk/workshop about advanced theming techniques that allow theme developers to utilise it. The session will take the shape of a step-by-step method of building a theme that mixes best practice, current theming techniques with pioneering theming techniques of the future.
The session will include a considerable focus on JavaScript and a number of the libraries written with it, and how these technologies can be combined with current themes and the REST API to open up a whole new epoch in the development and design of WordPress themes.
The theme that we will be building will be available on GitHub and, with as much clarity as possible, Jack will walk attendees through how it works, and how they can build themes in a similar fashion.