Community Impact – 48 websites for 48 nonprofits in 48 hours

Using the WordPress platform and volunteers from local communities, we host events to build 48 websites for 48 nonprofits in 48 hours.

Over the past several years we’ve hosted 7 of these events, helping over 350 nonprofits in different cities throughout the US.

This year we are going international starting in London Fall 2018.

This session will explore what we learned during the creation, planning and execution of the events and give some thoughts on how the WordPress community can give back using their professional skills.

How To Sustain Long-Term Contributions to WordPress Core

While a contributor day in the core team gets you familiar with the technical parts of contributing to WordPress core, it usually does not provide further guidance for those who are interested in following up and contributing more than the first taster. Finding your spot among the core contributors and spending your contributing time efficiently can be a tough and tedious challenge. Furthermore, you may run into roadblocks or get frustrated quickly.

If you are interested in becoming a long-term contributor and influencing WordPress core sustainably, this talk is for you – even if you haven’t attended a contributor day before. The session will highlight benefits of contributing, provide recommendations on how to find your spot and build trust, and give insights on which traits are particularly valuable to have or pick up. You will furthermore learn how contributing to core is by far not only about writing code. The goal of this session is to prepare you for a beneficial long-term relationship as a core contributor so that you can make a significant impact over time.