Bring your starter theme to the next level (Workshop)

A starter theme is the foundation of your project and gives you a head start in development. In this talk, we refresh and review starter theme ideas and bring them to the modern era.

First, starter themes should be accessibility-ready and have clean semantic HTML without lots of extra DIVs. Then we can use CSS Grid for our layouts. In general, CSS (or SASS) structure is a crucial guide to developers for how they write their CSS.

Starter themes should also be ready for Gutenberg and give a maximum WYSIWYG experience.

How about also ES6 for JavaScript, Gulp or Webpack for automated tasks like compiling assets, optimising images and SVGs, CSS and JS linting, SVG system, and being design system ready.

The A-Z of WordPress Multisite

WordPress Multisite is a very powerful piece of functionality built into WordPress which is often under-utilised. In this presentation John will introduce you to Multisite and cover:

  1. The concepts of Multisite
  2. Installation and setup
  3. The management of sites and users
  4. The management of plugins, themes, and content
  5. What differs from a standard WordPress installation
  6. Advanced usage
  7. Gotchas and best practices

This presentation is primarily aimed at people who have experience building or implementing WordPress sites but have yet to dip their toe into WordPress Multisite.