Lightning Session

Introducing my friend, XDebug

A quick talk about how Debug can be really helpful in identifying issues with your WordPress site and how it can help even beginner developers fix problems with their code.

Developing Your Story

A design/web agency without a story is simply another option in a crowded market. How do you discover your story that will draw attention to your business, re-ignite your own passion for your business and help you attract the right clients?

In this session, Lee will walk you through the steps to discovering your WHY through looking back at your own stories. Events that have shaped your character, beliefs and desires.

From why we look at your strengths as an individual and or as an agency. What skills and services can you place your stake in the ground and own for your target audience?

And finally, you will be lead through discovering your clients’ problems through evaluating their goals, the barriers to those goals and the solutions you can provide based on your mission and strengths.

All of this will begin to form the narrative of your business, drive your decisions and be reflected in your messaging online and in your conversations.

Grunt: the wild boar dev’s best friend

If the dog is man’s best friend, probably the wild boar (Grunt mascot) is dev’s best friend. Grunt is a JavaScript-based task runner that allows you to automate several repetitive tasks during the development of a WordPress plugin/theme. This talk will present a brief introduction to Grunt and a selection of recommended Grunt plugins for WordPress development.

Lightning Session

Own your journey in the tech skill rollercoaster

Do the constant changes in technology make you dizzy? Do you worry about waking up one day and discovering your skill set has become irrelevant? How do you keep up with the moving goal posts?

This talk is a prompt to get you to own your space in the tech world, embrace change and learn to love the journey.

I will share self-teaching techniques and resources that have worked for me, and why I think it is good to acknowledge our fears and insecurities as well as our personal talents.

Managing remote small teams (without going crazy)

Black Studio is a company born in 2002 and from the very beginning, the staff has been working remotely. In this talk, the founder provides some lightning tips about how to successfully manage 30+ projects at the same time, while keeping (almost completely) your mental health.

Freelancers! Don’t Freak Out!

“Don’t freak out!”
“Nice guys get paid last”
“Time track. Always.”

With my podcast ‘Being Freelance’ I’ve had over 100 conversations with amazing freelancers from around the world.

In this talk I share my favourite quotes from my guests.
I expand on them.
And hopefully you learn from them, smile at them, nod knowingly at them or feel inspired by them.

“I don’t do marketing. I make friends”

“You have to value yourself. If you don’t – why would your client?

“Other freelancers aren’t the competition – there’s plenty of work to go round!”

“I’m not going to work weekends or evenings…
You get the same amount done, you just work smarter”

“Stop being so available!”

It’s a condensed brain dump of freelance gold. Covering:
– building a brand
– getting paid
– dealing with isolation
– marketing tactics
– work/life… well, is there balance?
and more..

Overall you should come away with the feeling that you’re not alone being freelance.

This could be a punchy 10 minute talk, or expanded to fill 20 or 30 minutes etc – more time, more quotes, more help!

Lightning Session

Setting up and Running a WordPress Mentorship Programme

As WordPress is an open source project and has given so much to me and my company over the years, we (Highrise Digital Ltd) wanted to do something to give something back to community that helped us so much.

Therefore in 2017 we launched our first round of our WordPress mentorship programme which aims to help and mentor budding WordPress developers with development and business related issues.

This talk will talk about how we setup the mentorship programme, our aims for doing so, how we recruited mentees and what they got out of it.

Starting from scratch – my journey to becoming a developer

After graduating from Sussex University with a Maths degree and no clearer vision of what I wanted to do with my life, I decided to pack my bags travel around Europe and work at festivals to postpone any big life decisions.
Two years down the line I found myself tasked with making a website, which is where I met WordPress. I was soon introduced to the amazing community around it which encouraged me to pursue my interest further.
Now a Junior Developer at Pragmatic, I am lucky enough to say I truly enjoy my job. But entering the industry as a complete beginner was definitely quite daunting. In my talk I’d like to share some useful tips and resources I used to aid those fears and doubts. I’ll also highlight how Pragmatic and my colleagues supported me to help make my journey possible.

Git in 10 minutes

If you know you should be using version control for your WordPress projects but haven’t started yet, this talk is for you. I’ll show you that Git is not scary and you can get started in under 10 minutes.

Lightning Session

What does Gutenberg mean for design?

Gutenberg has been creeping up for a long time and now it’s coming for us all.

Most of the initial discussion in the community has revolved around development and usability issues. As it gets ready to launch we’re going to have to establish how we design for it, both in terms of the practical solutions we need immediately, and what it could mean for how we view our work in the long term.

* What are the features our new designs are going to have to accommodate, and for that matter what about our old ones?

* Is there such a thing as too much flexibility? How can Gutenberg help us and our clients to create better designs together?

* What does the introduction of Gutenberg suggest to us about how we should approach design in the future?

Hero CSS blends, custom backgrounds and responsive typography in WordPress with Advanced Custom Fields

I’ve been using Advanced Custom Fields to bring a little bit of Photoshop-esque control to images in WordPress, creating layered background images that incorporate user-switchable blend modes, background colours and opacity (amongst other things) and would love to share this all in a lightning talk.

A little more depth…

Over the last year or so I’ve been experimenting with Responsive Typography (CSS Locks and Viewport width), Flexbox and CSS3 properties such as blend modes, clipping paths, multiple background images and rgb(a) to create images that are more akin to album artwork, magazine and flyer layouts but in the browser. I’ve been using Advanced Custom Fields to output and control all of this and I’d love to able to share these techniques and some of the artwork I’ve been able to create and re-create recently.

I thought demonstrating how to incorporate all of these into a hero image would be quite cool (hence the slightly rubbish title – can I change this?!) The PHP required to use ACF to control these elements is really straightforward, the CSS relatively straightforward and well supported too. Essentially I’d go through how to set everything up (custom fields, PHP snippets etc), how to blend images over patterns (using Photoshop stalwarts such as multiply, color-dodge, luminosity and the like), then how to add textural elements and incorporate responsive typography into a custom header controlled using Advanced Custom Fields. It sounds a lot but isn’t, hopefully it would just be really inspiring! I’ll put a GitHub repo together to support this and will also be publishing blog posts to walk people through all this after the talk. I’d be more than happy to do a workshop of sorts on this too.

I’ve attached a link to a GitHub repo which contains my boilerplate theme that incorporates some of these ideas into it (header.php features the PHP that controls the ACF / CSS blend mode functions) and I’ve also attached a link to a page (and site) that is still very much in beta that features screenshots of artwork I recreated recently using many of the techniques above. I’m sorry I can’t share a demo of talk as such right now – I only had my arm twisted by someone at WordUp Brighton last week to apply to WordCamp London having shown them some of the work I’d done on this. I plan to do this as a talk at WordUp Brighton next month and will be blogging about the creation of the Blue Note replica sleeves soon so should have plenty of content for you to see if you’d require (or like) this soon.

Repo with ACF / PHP demo code in:


Empathy for Introverts

If you want to build websites that people love, you need to understand those people. But what happens if you’re just not a people person?

Don’t worry: empathy is a skill that anyone can learn. It just takes a little practise. Approaching design from an inclusive perspective has lead to some of the most innovative designs we use every day, while a lack of empathy can lead to catastrophic failures. Let’s learn how to see diversity and disability as opportunities—not obstacles.

By putting ourselves in our users’ shoes, we can make the web a better place for everyone.