Onyx offers 100% renewable managed WordPress hosting

WordCamp London 2019 is made possible by our sponsors, and we’re delighted to introduce one of our Camden Lock sponsors, Onyx.

Onyx is a lightning fast WordPress hosting from the award-winning team at Krystal.

Since 2003 they’ve provided outstanding UK-based hosting and recently they’ve created Onyx, offering a full package of managed WordPress hosting.

This year WordCamp London is focusing on sustainability and content, and so Onyx as a sponsor is a perfect fit. It accounts for about 10% of the world’s energy consumption – with datacenters being around 30% of that total – and they’re doing something about it.

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Thank you to our Brick Lane sponsors

Every year, WordCamp London relies on the financial generosity of WordPress companies to support the cost of organising and hosting a successful and accessible WordCamp.

This year, we’re delighted to be joined by Highrise Digital, GreenGeeks, Wholegrain Digital, 93digital, Moove Agency, Newt Labs, JS for WP, Impact Media, and Kinta as Brick Lane sponsors. Thank you!

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Here’s what to expect at the WordCamp London Contributor Day

The WordCamp London Contributor Day is a full day focused on contributing to WordPress. WordPress is open source software made by volunteers, and we will be splitting into small teams and working on WordPress!

The Contributor Day is taking place on Friday 5 April 2019 at the London Metropolitan University, the same venue as the rest of the conference. Tickets are free, but you do need a ticket.

You don’t have to know how to code, as there are many different roles that need filling. It’s easy to think of contributing to WordPress as helping write the core software, but you could help out in the support forums, write some documentation, organise community events, design the interface for a new feature, user test someone else’s improvement, or do some language or video translation. There are lots of options.

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How WPMU DEV’s free plugins are creating a more sustainable web

A key theme for WordCamp London 2019 is sustainability. We want to host a sustainable event, and encourage our sponsors to be sustainable exhibitors.

With WordPress powering over a third of the internet, though, the scope for impact on creating a sustainable web is huge.

Every WordPress site that loads a page requires server resources to do so, and thus each page load generates a carbon emission. The better optimised a website, the lower its carbon emissions. The average website generates 6.8g CO2, and the internet in total accounts for 2% of global carbon emissions.

We’re thus delighted that WPMU DEV, one of our Camden Lock sponsors, is helping WordPress sites be more efficient – and use less carbon – with its suite of free performance optimisation tools, including Hummingbird, Smush, and Smartcrawl.

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Day two of #WCLDN on 7 April 2019 will kick off with another morning of great talks from our community speakers. They will cover topics including pricing, WP-CLI, and remote working.

Whether you are a developer interested in plugin development in the age of PHP 7.2, are fascinated by copywriting, want to know more about HTTP2, or are curious about everything inbetween, then our schedule has something for you.

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