Accessibility Testing for Content Managers Workshop

If you are a site owner, blogger, content manager, editor or writer you want to reach as many people as possible. Is your content accessible? How to do test this and what guidelines to follow?

In this workshop Rian will give you an overview of best practices and useful hands-on test tools.

Together with Rian, you will be able to discuss how to integrate accessibility testing into your workflow.

Bring your laptop and join in!

Effective Copywriting Tips for Better UX

When we think about UX, we’re often too focused on fonts, colors, and flow to think about microcopy – those small bits of text that guide users through almost every part of a web interface. These words may be tiny, but they can make a significant difference in the usability of your design and even affect your site’s conversion rates.

Key takeaways. In this talk, I will share copywriting and communication tips that will immediately improve your user interface microcopy, such as error messages and interface instructions, so your users experience less frustration and more delight.

Talk attendees will get a quick introduction to branding and communication principles, basic UX principles, and how to evaluate effective copy in website flows. They will also see real examples of before and after situations where simple changes made a big difference and how and where to apply the same changes to their own sites.

Are You Ready To Publish? – The Afterlife…

Experiment: A month before WordCamp London I will publish two articles on a generic subject… The first one, is what I see most clients do, a-199-word, two paragraph blog or news item with minimal SEO. Usually, that is it for the next six months for most SMEs…

The second article will be original and content heavy, following all the rules to maximise exposure. With comprehensive SEO and promoting it through other channels like social media and GMB. My website will be a standard company test case where today’s stats are around 20 users per day… will it be a success or a complete flop?

There are lots of lessons to be learned along the way with things that worked well and things that didn’t… How far should we go with promoting new content? What would work best for SME? Should ‘we’ actually maintain a news or blog section? I would expect some audience participation that will give feedback both positive and constructive. It will put some of my theories to the test that I tell my clients to do.

5 Steps to a Faster Website and Higher Google Rankings

Why you should forget about the scores if you want to speed up your website? What is TTFB and why you should care about it? Why using CDN might not help you improve the site speed? Why Twitter with all that funny GIFs loads lightning fast and your visitors have to wait for ages while one single kitten gets loaded? How do you get to know your hosting is fast enough?

During this session we will learn:

  • how to measure website load times and interpret the results
  • what should you do after all possible caching is already on but your website is still awfully slow
  • how to define bottlenecks and fix them without making significant changes to the theme.

Let’s make websites load faster together!