Lightning Session

Maintainable CSS Architecture In The Gutenberg Era

Writing maintainable and scalable CSS is one of the biggest aspects of the front-end work. In this talk, we will go through how CSS methodologies like ITCSS, BEM, and utility classes can help to achieve that.

In the same time we will get maximum WYSIWYG experience in the Gutenberg editor without re-writing the front-end CSS that much.

A Master Class In Collaboration With Education

We all benefit from today’s students making up the next generation of the WordPress community, so creating and maintaining strong links with education should be important to all of us. This talk will show that the support we offer students can result in major wins for business too.

Partnerships between industry and education can supercharge business activities, provide opportunities for joint research, and provide valuable industry exposure for students. During this talk, Tom will use stories and examples to introduce the many ways the WordPress community (individuals, businesses and agencies) can engage with educational institutes to grow their business and find new opportunities. Case studies will cover: providing training and mentoring, formal knowledge exchanges, funding opportunities, graduate recruitment, supporting students, business growth and collaborating on innovation.

Key takeaways. There are many opportunities for businesses to support their growth and innovation by partnering with educational institutions. In doing so, business can provide students with valuable skills, experience, and opportunities.

If You Haven’t Added Structured Data, Your Site Isn’t Finished

I am a theme developer. My themes look lovely, the pages load fast, the UX flowed but am I missing something?

In a word. Yes!

Structured data is foundation for the search engine machines to understand your content. It allows them to understand the context of page. It allows them to convert information into knowledge (Skynet anyone?)

As a developer working with a client to launch a site – we must consider the ‘bots as well as the humans that will see our page. Failure to do that is not an option anymore!

I will quickly run through structured data types currently recognized by google. I will explain how these tie into Rich results (with live case studies on improved SERPs for clients). I will finish up the talk with examples of how developers can add JSON-LD code to page head (dynamically for custom posts where possible)

