Travel to WCLDN by rail, sea or road

Your guide to travelling to WordCamp London ‘without an aeroplane’

Tom Greenwood, who will be speaking on sustainability at WordCamp London 2019, shares his alternative travel tips. He writes:

As the biggest WordCamp in the UK, WordCamp London draws people from far and wide, not just from other parts of the UK, but internationally too. This year the team is trying to bring together information to make it even easier for people to travel within London to the venue in a sustainable manner. The team also wants to encourage those arriving from outside of London, especially from overseas, to choose the most sustainable methods of transport. That means looking at alternatives to air travel and keeping your feet firmly on the ground.

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Sustainability at WCLDN 2019

This year we’ve made sustainability even more important than it usually is for us here in London (and much has been incorporated previously, as with many WordCamps around the UK and the world).

We wanted to consider as many aspects as possible this year, not only the obvious plastic/paper usage, but more – what do we really need, what can be changed to have a lasting effect, and how can we balance the cost to the environment of our WordCamp.

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